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The Global Colon Cancer Association (GCCA) partners with leading organizations Instituto Oncoguia and Abrale to increase access to biomarker testing for colorectal cancer patients in Brazil. In September 2022, GCCA convened a panel at the Todos Juntos Contra o Câncer annual conference in São Paulo. This panel, made up of oncologists Marcela Bonalumi dos Santos and Diego Bugano, pathologist Marina De Brot, and moderated by advocate and psycho-oncologist Luciana Holtz, discussed the role of biomarker testing in colorectal cancer care, and the barriers to biomarker testing access faced in Brazil.

Speakers from Collaborating to Increase Biomarker Testing Access in Brazil

Some of the challenges Brazil faces in colorectal cancer biomarker testing access are shared by many countries, while other barriers are unique to Brazil.

In this video, hear from Luciana Holtz, Dr. Marcela Bonalumi dos Santos, Dr. Diogo Bugano, and Dr. Marina De Brot as they discuss challenges facing colorectal cancer biomarker testing access in Brazil, and the steps needed to increase healthcare access and health equity.